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Updated-ish May 2020

If you have another question, feel free to email. I don’t bite.

FAQ: What advice do you have for new authors?


New Author Advice
There is no magic pill. You have to do the research and the work. Well, coffee is kind of like magic, and energy helps do the research, so maybe that’s my secret.

Research everything—your book, marketing, promo, your genre—and think about the long-term goals, not just instant career gratification. That’s what separates career authors from hobbyists. Writing as a hobby is fine, if that’s what you want to do. If you want to be a professional, you just have to spend the time and study up. There is no magic formula or secret handshake. I so wish there was. You just have to put in the hours and do the work. Knowledge really is power.

Write the book. No book, no reason to go through the trouble of everything else. The book is the fun part!

Michelle M. Pillow


What do your Readers mean to you?

I love my readers. Their loyalty and willingness to follow me as I move from sub-genre to sub-genre is wonderful. Traditionally, publishers would want you to find a niche and stay there. I much prefer to be all over the place, writing futuristics to historicals, contemporaries to fantasy, dark to light paranormals, wherever the muse takes me. My readers not only seem to enjoy it, they encourage it.

Their emails and wall posts will often keep me going. I can’t thank them enough and love hearing from them.

Where can I buy your books?

For the most part, Michelle M. Pillow ebooks are online at all major vendors Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books (formerly iBooks), Google Play, etc.

Print books are sold online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingrams, Walmart, Book Depository, BAM, etc. If you have the ISBN, title info, etc, you might be able to order the book from a local bookstore. If you can’t give them the sad face and sigh at them cause they should. (but always be nice) And then come get it online.

To find where books are being sold, go to the Book’s Page. Click on the Buy Links tab and there you go. My team tries very hard to keep them up to date.

Will there be more books in a series? 

If there are more books planned in a series, it will be listed on that books series page as coming soon, or in the book lists. For a full list of series, check here.

Why did you stop a series I love? 

Sadly, series do end. For some, it’s the natural ending. However, several have ended due to a high piracy theft rate or lower sales than other series. When books are pirated, the book sales go down, and when that happens I can’t afford to continue publishing them, no matter how much fun I had writing them. The best way to keep a series alive is to tell others why you love it and where they can get their own copies.

Series Updates

Warlocks MacGregor®That would be a big YES. There will be more.

Qurilixen Worlds: Dragon Lords, Lords of the Var®, Space Lords, Galaxy BridesYES! There are more books in this series world. YES, this includes the children of the Dragons and Var all grown up. It’s called Qurilixen Lords. Space Lords will cameo in future books. Galaxy Brides, most likely there will e more depending on my schedule. Join the newsletter it be informed of when they release or go on pre-order.

The Happily Everlasting SeriesReaders have loved Aunt Polly as much as I have. You’ll be happy to hear her adventures continue in the spin-off series, (Un)Lucky Valley.

Qurilixen Worlds: Captured by a Dragon-Shifter, Dynasty LordsAt this time, there are no more books planned in these series installments. But the stories will continue with other series in the Qurilixen World.

Galaxy MatesThese are currently off sale and being rewritten. Subscribe to the newsletter to be informed of the new editions.Lords of the AbyssI loved working on this series, but the sales have declined over the years and so I’m moving on to other series that readers are waiting for. However, because I loved this world so much, I did finish the last two books to tie up the series for loyal readers. But, I never say never. Who knows what the future may hold.

Pleasure Cruise SeriesThis series has been discontinued.Ghost Cats/Instinct SeriesAnimal Instinct, Carnal Instinct, Primal Instinct are are on hold indefinitely while I focus on other projects. I hope that changes and I get time to expand them since they were so much fun, but they all need a rewrite and expansion before I republish them.

Stop Dragon My Heart AroundIf you like this series please tell all your friends, and their friends, and other readers, and the person at the grocery store…well, you get the idea. At this time, there are no more books in the series planned.

Library Copies

Many ebooks are available to libraries through a place called OverDrive. You can see a list here to see several of the locations they provide books to. You have to request ebooks from your local library if they don’t have copies in stock. Check their website for directions on how to request ebooks, or talk to the librarian. They can help you with the check out process.

If you think other readers in your area might like the book and have read it already, you can still request the book. Or, have them request as well. The more requests, the more likely the library will get it in. Beyond this advice, I can’t control what the libraries pick.

Michelle at OverDrive

This snippet is from a helpful blog post from Draft2Digital that helps explain how to do this:

“OverDrive serves a large number of libraries globally, but having (a) book in the system doesn’t necessarily mean it’s available for library patrons to find. Libraries typically won’t spend money on a book unless there’s sign of a demand. Fortunately, though, the best sign of demand is completely within your grasp: Go and request (the) books.

Log on to your library’s web portal, use the library’s app, use the OverDrive app, or swing by a physical library location, and ask for your title. This will call attention to the fact that (the) title isn’t actually available, and the helpful librarians will then place an order for it.

It takes a bit for books to appear in the catalog, once they’re ordered. You can expect a 14- to 21-day wait, in most cases. So the sooner you ask for it, the sooner it’s there.”

You can read the entire blog post from Draft2Digital here.

Here is a helpful video Kate Rudolph did walking through how to request ebooks through the online library systems with Overdrive. The more people who request a book, the better odds of them getting it in stock. It costs you nothing to request.


A lot of work goes into each of my books, and expenses. I am mostly self-published indie these days which means I have to hire out for quality help. I refuse to write a book and throw it out the same day like some authors do. That cheats readers of quality work.This includes hiring cover artists, editors, proofers, paying for advertising, formats, distribution. All of these things cost money. My books go through several rounds of edits to ensure I’m putting out the best product possible. This also means that I have to charge for that product.

Writing is my only job. It’s how I support myself and my family. Its a job I LOVE and I have no complaints about it. But I also can’t afford to just hand everything away for free. As much as I wish they would, bills don’t go away.

Why is your book not in KU (Kindle Unlimited)?

Which titles are in KU varies and is ever changing. See the current offerings on the Kindle Unlimited Book Page.

In order for a book to be offered in Kindle Unlimited it has to be exclusive to Amazon. What this does is it keeps my books from being offered at other vendors. I do my best to make the most readers happy. So, when and if a book is offered for KU depends on a great many factors, economic formulas, magic seances, 3:00AM whims, margarita meetings, and careful planning.

Thank you for supporting me and my work. Book prices are cheaper than a cup of fancy coffee, so please consider buying a copy to have for your very own. They last longer than fancy coffee too. And are sexier. Just sayin’.

When and how does an author decide what goes to KU? I find some go directly there, others never there.That answer is different for each author, and can be complicated.


    • Some are KU authors, who go directly in and stay there and that’s where their readers are. They like the KU business model.

    • KU requires exclusivity in their contract, and certain payment terms. Some authors don’t like these terms, as they don’t work for their business model.

My readers have always been wide (at multiple vendors- apple, nook, kobo etc) and I accommodate the most readers because that’s where my books sales are.

Rarely, I decide to do limited KU runs based on series performance, which are normally backlist series that have been out for awhile to make sure readers have had a chance to buy them if they want them.

So, if you love KU and you love my books, be sure to tell your reader friends to get them while they’re in the program. AND to READ them. It doesn’t count if they just check it out and let it float on their kindle in a borrow slot. The better it does, (the more page reads it gets) the more likely I am to do more. 

For series that are not in KU, another option is to contact your library and ask about their ebook request process, and request my ebooks, paperbacks, or audio books.

When will the book be in audio?

Audio production varies, but typically it won’t be for several months after the ebook release. Audio production takes time and are expensive. Some series may never go into audio. It’s a business decision.

Dragon Lords: Barbarian Prince – Bestselling Dragon-Shifter Romance

As a reader what can I do to help promote the books?

First, you can wrap your arms around yourself and hug yourself from me. I mean it. The fact so many of you email to ask me how you can help spread the word about me or my books is awesome!

Word of Mouth: The best way to help is to spread the word about my books.

One of the most important way to help an author is by taking the time to write a quick online review of the books you love—Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Goodreads, Bookbub… they all offer spots for readers to write reviews. I have to say, it tickles me to no end when readers go the extra mile and write a review. 


    • Talk about the books online.

    • Post about the books.

    • Blog about the books.

    • Tweet about the books.

    • Share the links to the books.

    • Tell your book club about them.

    • Join Michelle’s Fan Club and share ideas with other readers.

    • Become a Review Team Member (if spots are open)

    • Agree or disagree with reviews already posted on various vendors

    • If you see someone is reading an author who is similar to me, suggest they try me (politely, of course… but we know this goes without saying).

Anything online is the single MOST important thing you can do to help me. Why? Simple, because the majority of my sales have ALWAYS come from ebooks. And with the market shift moving towards ebooks more and more each day this is becoming so for many authors. Not just me.

If you would like some promo goodies (bookmarks, etc) to pass around to your friends, local bookstores, reading groups and libraries please email me with subject header PROMO GOODIES. Include your name, snail mail addy, how many and for what reason in the email.I can’t promise when they’ll be mailed out or how many will be sent. It depends on what I have on hand and how often my personal assistant is able to get to mailings.

What is the best way to learn about preorders and new releases?

Join the Newsletter.

Which books do you recommend for people new to your work?

Here’s a list of where to start, broken down by genre:


My bestselling, reader favorite series are the shape-shifter multi-series: Dragon Lords, Lords of the Var®, Space Lords and Captured by a Dragon-Shifter. Warlocks MacGregor® is also a reader favorite.

About Reader Mail

I have to preface this by saying I LOVE MY READERS! I love talking to them. I love hearing from them. However, I do not have the time to respond to them all. If I did, I would never get to writing the books.

Most readers are quite lovely. I will save my limited email time for readers with questions or comments not answered on my website. Keep those emails coming! You all freaking rock and I hope you know how much I appreciate you all!!

Upset emails: I really do take readers into consideration when I make business related decisions, but not everyone is going to be 100% happy all the time (for example distribution). All I can do is try to work a deal that will make the most people happy in the most locations around the world with the best opportunities for promotions and sales. Respectful emails with a concern are welcome. The >1% rude asshat emails will be mocked and deleted.


See the menu bar up top.

What is your next project?

My moods change with my whims. We will just have to see. Try checking out the Coming Soon Page.

I have a story idea, can I send it to you?

No. Any story ideas sent to me will not be read and will be deleted immediately by an assistant.

I have a suggestions for how your books should progress? I swear my idea is awesome!

No. It’s a legal thing. I do not accept or read plot/story line thread suggestions and they are promptly deleted unread by the author.

What if I notice a typo in one of your books?

I am a professional author. All of my books go through several rounds of professional edits and final line edits. I hire a team of qualified people (many of them with reputable publishers) to make sure the cleanest book is reaching your hands. I am lucky that I don’t get emails that often about this subject, but just in case, here is what you need to know… 

I’m only human, as are my team of editors, proofers, final line editors, fact checkers, test readers, etc. (Now, I am working on that, but until my dream of a cyborg robot editing…well, anyway). As humans, typos occasionally slip though the cracks. If you find a typo and want to tell us out of the goodness of your heart with no hope of anything in return, we want to hear about it* 

Reporting a typo:


    • Step 1: Make sure you have the newest edition of the book. Older books are often re-edited before being re-released. Those first editions could be 15 years old by now. Much has changed.

    • Step 2: Be aware that:


        • Any book ideas, suggestions, story lines, characters, and such will not be read and will be deleted immediately by Michelle’s Assistant and are not read or given to the author.

        • Some things are Personal Preference: like the use of the Oxford Comma; like the spelling of dragonshifter/dragon-shifter/dragon shifter, or the spelling of magick/magic; and author voice (how she phrases sentences and the words she chooses to use).

        • The writing world changes. What was commonplace ten years ago when some of these books were written might be less common today. For example s’ and s’s . They are now both correct.

        • Michelle is a fiction author. She can and will make up her own rules and words.

        • Names have various spellings. For example: Iason is correct. It’s the Ancient Greek form of Jason. The Merr were from that time period, so that is why it was chosen.

        • Some things are Publisher House Styles: such as UK or US spellings (realised/realized), the highly debated placement of a comma, etc. Michelle has written books in both UK and US English.

    • Step 3: If you think you found a typo in one of Michelle’s books, please email the following information*:


        • Book Title

        • Format (Example: Print, PDF, Kindle, iBook, etc)

        • Page Number or Location

        • Clear showing of the typo, including sentence *Legal Disclaimer: You will NOT be paid or compensated in any way for turning in what you feel is a typo. You will not be entitled to an editor credit or similar acknowledgements. Doing so gives you no rights to Michelle M. Pillow’s books or ideas. All Michelle M. Pillow books, websites, and ideas are all copyrighted to the author. 

More FAQs (links lead to new pages):

Are you a Pillow Fighter?

Amazon Kindle FAQs

Be sure you’re seeing your favorite authors on Facebook

Have you added the Pillow Fighters Group to your Facebook Group Favorites?

Amazon Automatic Book Update

How to turn on Whispersync Settings for Kindle

How to find your review hyperlink on

Need to find your Amazon Review URL to turn it in for reviews?

How to find your post URL on Facebook and Twitter


What if I need Tech Support?

The Michelle Pillow Team does not provide computer tech support. When trying to get a freebie file: Be SURE you know where the file will be saved when clicking download because each person is limited to one attempt. 


Add the following email to your email contacts:

Are you a GMAIL USER? Be sure to move Michelle’s newsletter emails from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab. It’s very easy to do. Check the box on the Michelle newsletter email in your gmail account under Promotions and then drag and drop the email to Primary tab. It will then pop up a small yellow box that asks if you want all email from Michelle put in Primary. HIT YES!

For Writers

Go to the “For Writers” FAQ Page

Michelle as an Author

Who are you and what do you do?

I would assume since you’re here, you already know part of the answer, but here’s me as a writer in a nutshell…

I’m a New York Times & USA Today bestselling, award-winning romance author Michelle M. Pillow. — It always seems strange talking about myself like that because most days I just feel like a girl with a computer.I’m what they’re calling a “hybrid author”. I write in a variety of romance fiction genres including futuristic, paranormal, historical, contemporary, fantasy, dark paranormal, cozy mystery, and paranormal women’s fiction. I have been all over the publishing world–from traditional “big name” publishers to e-first publishers and now Indie. In 2009 fellow author Mandy M. Roth and I started a highly successful self-publishing endeavor named The Raven Books.

My first book was published April 2004 and called “The Mists of Midnight”, a Regency set Ghost Romance (now entitled Forget Me Not). Since then I’ve published nearly 100 titles, many of which are in their second and third editions, and are in audio book. Being prolific is easy when you love your job! Several of the titles have also been published in foreign languages, including Spanish, German, Japanese, etc. And I have titles published with The Raven Books LLC, Pocket Books, Random House, Virgin Books, Adam’s Media, Entangled Publishing, Samhain Publishing, Running Press, and more.

I write nonfiction features and take photographs for Paranormal Underground Magazine. I also wrote their monthly Author Interviews for ten years.

I’ve been #1 on Amazon’s Author Rank and on Amazon bestseller lists multiple times, nominated for the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award 2011, the winner of the 2006 RT Reviewers’ Choice Award, nominated for the 2007 RT Award, a Kensington Brava Novella Contest Finalist.

How long did that first book take?

Honestly, it’s hard to say. I wrote before even thinking of publishing, for fun in spare time and not in any consistent time blocks. So when I finally submitted, it was my 8th book written and I was already on book 10 writing wise. Then I had to go back and clean up. I’ve published a few of those first ones– Mountain’s Captive, Emerald Knight and Maiden and the Monster, but not all. Some I need to dig up from the cyber graveyard, lol. They haven’t even seen a publisher’s slush pile.

Why the romance genre? Why not children’s books, or serious literature, or…?

Why romance novels? Because they’re awesome. Sure, just like in any genre of writing there are those books within the genre that are not to my taste, but I love the romance genre as a whole.

Romances aren’t just “mommy porn”. I hate that term because it suggests it is wrong or shameful for a woman to own her sexuality and find happiness in all aspects of her life, whether it’s sexuality, work, adventure, family, marriage, love, what-have-you. Dreams are not bad. Fantasy is not bad. Love is not bad. A great sex life, an equal partner in life, and reading a positive message about both are not bad things. If preferring to read about love and relationships was a bad thing, then what would that say about fans of murder mystery and horror? (I happen to like those genres as well).

To me, romance novels are not just about the sex. It’s about women being able to see themselves in a positive light (and, again, not just their sexuality). Romance novel heroines do get to find the perfect life-mate (Perfect for them, because not all of the heroes are perfect, just as the heroines will have their flaws). They are allowed to have careers, family, and goals. They can be vulnerable and strong. They have adventures. They face problems and find ways to solve them. They are allowed to be imperfect and make mistakes, and still be loved. They get to love themselves and others. Occasionally, they get to kick a little ass. They are allowed to grow and learn throughout the course of the book. And all of this is done unapologetically.

It is my hope that all women learn to love and value themselves, and to find their own happiness in life.

Writing Romance and Real Life

It’s funny how many times I get asked if I “do” the things in my books. Ah, the elusive “things”. The key to being a good fiction writer is to be able to tell a good story. I happen to like telling stories of not only people falling in love, but of their other emotions and influences as well.

In short, no I am not my characters. Some of their traits are influenced from my life, some are imagination, some are research, etc, etc…

In my opinion, if you only write what you experience, you’re not a very good fiction writer. Fiction is a job that takes great imagination as well as research and all I can hope is that a few people like mine.

What is your other job?

I have no “other job”. Being an author is my full time career. Much of what I do is incorporated into my career, and I take it very seriously.

Michelle’s Dating Advice

So I asked readers on social media if any FAQs were missing from my website. Thanks to those who checked for me. I’ll be adding suggestions as I can—keep the emails coming, it’s never too late. Some might have to go into the TMI pile LOL.

Though someone did ask me to write dating advice since I was a romance author (I guess that means I must have the answers), which I thought was funny because, um, my advice column would go something like this:

1. How do you snag a man?A: I tell the driver to slow down and then I pick one coming out of the culinary institute that looks like he might be bogged down with cooking homework and can’t run fast… what do you mean that’s creepy? Girl’s got to eat. 

2. How do you know when it’s love?A: “I can’t tell you but it lasts forever…It’s just something you feel together” What do you mean that’s Van Halen lyrics?

3. A man—A: ’s place is in the kitchen! This is fun. Do another one.

4. I was going to say, a man asks you on a date but doesn’t say where, what do you wear?A: You have four basic options: Princess Leia (kick ass fighter with optional lightsaber or blaster pistol, but not bikini Jabba Leia—you don’t want him to think you’re into bondage on date one), cat woman (so he knows you’re a super heroine), a Renn Faire princess (so he’ll know how you expect to be treated and properly addressed as m’lady), or if you can pull off super daring: Resident Evil’s Alice.

One, you’ll be awesome. Two, if he doesn’t get it well I just saved you hours that you can now put into role playing and doing something cool like reading a book. Three, if he shows up as Han Solo well, see question 2.

(thanks for the reader questions!)

You had already “made it” why on Earth would you go Indie?

I didn’t leave all my publishers. I still have great ties with them and offers stacked on my cyber desk for consideration. In 2008 Mandy Roth and I had the option to take books out of contract with some of our publishers. We both had extensive backlist titles and, though we had offers to re-contract them elsewhere, there was just too many books to have them re-release in a timely manner. For me, many of these were part of series that readers were eager for more of–like the futuristic romance multi-series: Dragon Lords, Lords of the Var® and Space Lords. With over 10 books (at that time) in that multi-series alone, releasing 1-2 books a year to balance them out with new releases would have taken 5-10 years just to get part of my backlist back out. Reader wanted more books now (which is always an awesome thing to have as an author!). Thus, I decided no risk, no reward and jumped in with both feet.

When Mandy Roth and I started The Raven Books and Raven Happy Hour we were told that it was a mistake. We both had big NY traditional publisher contracts. We were at the sought after e-first publishing houses. We’d had multiple contracts with stacks more on our desks waiting for consideration. No one could seem to understand why we would want to leave traditional publishing to strike out as Indie authors (mind you, this was before the big self-pub boom that later hit).

Our traditional background helps tremendously when navigating the self-pubbed waters. There are pros and cons to both traditional press and being indie, and I decide what to do depending on my goals with a particular book. Also, we had built fan bases from the ground up and paid a lot of writerly dues. In the end, The Raven Books was one of the BEST! career decisions I’ve ever made. I’m The Raven Books LLC. Mandy is Raven Happy Hour LLC.

What is your writing process?

Coffee. More coffee.

How do you come up with ideas for books?

Truthfully, it is usually late at night when my overactive mind won’t let me sleep or while I am in the shower. They just pop in there out of darkness and I have to crawl out of bed, sometimes six or seven times a night, to write them down or they will never leave me alone. (And, if by some miracle I can go to sleep without putting them to paper they will leave me forever…so it’s better to listen to the voices.) In the shower, I usually finish early, run to my office dripping wet in a towel and try to write a coherent thought while endeavoring not to freeze to death.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

I love book research and learning and trying new things. lf I’m not writing, I’m spending time with my beautiful and talented kid. I love being a mother. Or I’m helping m husband on a film project. I have a BGS in History/Business with an English Minor, and a Photography degree, so it’s pretty easy to see where my interests are. I love to travel and someday hope to visit every country in the world, photographing it and seeing the historical sites. Usually, though, even when I’m not writing physically I’m writing mentally–gathering data and ideas, letting the creative muse wander.

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?

When I was in 8th grade I loved Poe. My first serious attempt at writing was for an English assignment. The directive was to write a story about Thanksgiving. Most of my classmates did the “oh no the turkey is burnt and grandpa is snowed in at the airport” type stories. Not me. I sat down and wrote a little something called Thanksgiving Murders. Now I’m sure, looking back, it was more slasher horror movie than the next Telltale Heart, but I really worked hard on it. Sadly, the very conservative small town teacher didn’t see it that way. A counselor was called. My mother was called. I was watched, but not once did they bother to ask me why I wrote it. And they didn’t let me have my story back (this was pre-computer / pre-school-shooting scares).

I can honestly say I have never in my life wanted to re-enact those words. Heck, I feel guilty squishing bugs. Bless my mother for knowing this fact, because she really stood up for me and defused the situation. The reaction did, however, put me off writing for a long time and I turned to telling stories with pictures rather than words.

I really wish I had that story so I could see with an adult mind just how bad it really was. I do remember the bad guy died in the end.

When was your first book published?

April 2004, The Mists of Midnight (Now entitled Forget Me Not)

Other Requests: Reviews, Autographs, Interviews, Promo

Review Requests

Books with Publishers: Each of my publishers have a set list of review sites they auto-send to. Please verify that your site is on the list through your site administrator. Requests should be placed through them. Thank you.

Or you can check out the rules for joining: Michelle M. Pillow Review Team 

Interview Michelle

Michelle does do interviews. For consideration email: michelle_pillow AT with the information.

Promo items/autographs/book signings and appearances

Email: michelle_pillow AT with the information. For promo materials let me know what for, how much, and the date needed by. Whether I can fulfill requests will depend on items in stock.

Popular Series FAQs

Dragon Lord, Lords of the Var®, Space Lords, Captured by a Dragon-Shifter, et al.

NEW: Dragon Lords Companion Online 

Get detailed help on all the related series: Welcome to Qurilixen: A Series Guide

Qurilixen Reading Guide

About Dragon Lords and Related Books

The Dragon Lords started in 2004 (11 years ago!!) and the long holding, continued success has truly surprised me. I’d never expected to still be writing them over a decade later. They were my first attempt at futuristic shapeshifters, though since I now have notebooks full of ideas I’ve written down over the years.

The Dragon Lords series actually started with what was intended to be one short story–Morrigan and Ualan from Barbarian Prince–and grew into four mid-length novels (now expanded Anniversary Edition novels). In 2004, I had just signed a contract and felt really inspired to do something different and at the time you didn’t really see a lot of shapeshifting futuristic dragon romances. Ideas just kept popping into my head as I tried to make all four heroines different. Actually, I’d lie in bed with a notebook beside me to write the ideas down because I couldn’t sleep. I perfected the art of writing in the dark.

Many readers started demanding Var books {the cat shifting enemy of the Draig (Dragon Lords)}. So, from that, Lords of the Var was born. Whereas the Draig trust fate and are raised believing that their life mate is predestined, the Var men are raised to put no stock in love. In fact, their father King Attor raises them not to ever fall even consider falling in love. It’s quite the opposite concept from the Draig race.

Then of course, it couldn’t stop there. Readers wanted to see where the heroines came from and I started getting questions about the other planets I’d talked about in the books. Soon the guys were adventuring off planet into space: Space Lords series. I mean, there is a HUGE expanse of universes to explore. 

There have been hints since the very first book that “back in the day” the Dragon Lord ancestors used to steal brides through portals. Guess, what? They’re not just rumors! Because it’s something I always wanted to do, I wrote what these guys were like in our modern day times: Captured by a Dragon-Shifter series. 

There are a LOT of series planned for this world and I hope you’ll enjoy each and every one. Some have been hinted at, some you have to wait to see. I highly recommend joining my newsletter. Folks find out things first there with exclusive content. And that way you’ll always be in the Dragon Lords’s inner circle.

I’ll keep writing and expanding the series as long as people want them. 

For a complete reading order!

Dragon Lords Universe of Series

The “A Dragon Lords Romance” novels I write are in some way connected to the others, some more than others. CLICK HERE for author’s recommended reading orders. Within these worlds, you will find reoccurring characters, planets, and races. To me, part of the fun of the novels is finding those little ways everyone’s worlds connect and revisiting loved characters again and again.

It all started with the Dragon Lords, which met with great success. From there came the spin off series Lords of the Var, a series about the cat shifting enemies of the Dragon Lords. From there, we explore the imperial life of Dynasty Lords and the carefree ways of the Space Lords. The installments continue with the additions, modern day set Captured by a Dragon-Shifter series and Galaxy Alien Mail Order Brides. The newest series, Qurilixen Lords, is currently being published.

Draig and Var Questions

Do the few female children of the Draigs and Vars shift?

The best answer: Read The Dragon’s Queen – You may be surprised what happens 😉

The technical answer: It would depend on the mother’s heritage (the moms are humanoids, but not all humans) as to what gifts the child has whether male or female. Yes, all males are shifters, taking heavily after their fathers. Because female children are rare, it could have something to do with the mothers that make the female children possible to begin with. So yes, some of the girls can possibly be shifters if the mother’s DNA didn’t adversely affect the child to make it impossible. But, even if they don’t shift, the girls have other talents.And, BTW, Draig girls do get crystals as well.

What are the differences between the Draig and Var, and their mating rituals?

The Var culture is different from the Dragon Lords in many ways, which also causes a lot of the planet’s culture clashes. The lack of ceremony is just one of those ways. Whereas the DL’s want love, expect it, have big ceremonies in celebration of finding it and then are confused when they don’t automatically get it, the Var were raised to not want love and are confused to find they have it. The Var fall into the thinking that you can’t help who you fall in love with. It’s meant to be, regardless of what you do to stop it. Also, since they don’t know what to look for as far as emotions are concerned and aren’t taught to express love by their father, they don’t know when they get it. Each couple is different, but in the end, they’re together because their hearts demand it and the Var princes could never love anyone but their women.

The Var men are under the false impression that they have a say when it comes to mating and love, but in truth, for them the mating just happens. It’s destiny, fate, and in the end beyond their control. The Var don’t need ceremony, preferring the more simplistic approach. If they say something is a certain way, it is. In book one, Kirill (being king) tells Ulyssa, “All it would take is my declaration and you’d be my lifemate, my wife.” So for the king, with power, it’s just a matter of wishing it to be so. But, for Kirill and the others lifemating just happens, as natural as another day passing. Sticking to their customs, they don’t need a ceremony to confirm what they already know in their hearts, and what their hearts (and brothers/friends/other Var) often know before they do. Love/Mating is beyond their control, not that they’d change it for the world.

It’s the same for all of them. Their souls/hearts just know from the beginning and the head takes longer for it to catch up and admit to it.

What about Margot?! (DL Book 6)

I’m know  a lot of you are wondering about Margot (and possibly poised to send me emails demanding answers—send away, I love hearing from you, but don’t expect me to give away the details). Right now, you know as much as Kendall does. Don’t despair. Her story is written. Watch for her in a  Space Lords series book where all your Margot Haven questions will be answered.

Why “Savage” King? I didn’t think him violent or sadistic or etc.

Oxford Dictionary: “(Chiefly in historical or literary contexts) primitive; uncivilized.”Not savage as in violent like wild dogs attacking.

The title fits with the overall Dragon Lords/Var futuristic series, of them being primitive barbarian savages in the eyes of the rest of the more civilized universe. 🙂

Series reading order?

For book reading orders, visit the guide page.

How many books are in the series?

You can find out about the Lords of the Var series more in-depth on the series page.

Yes. So, so, so many more. Some of them are super-secret projects I can’t tell you about. Some you haven’t even begun to guess at. Some stories you’ve begged for. Not to fear, Dragon Lords and connected series books are coming!

Are you going to write more?

I love Dragon Lords, do I need to read the other series?

Yes. Why wouldn’t you? There are more sides to the story,  and so many awesome adventures to be had. Also, Dragon Lords do make appearances in the other series books. 

Can I send you my ideas for the series/characters?

No. All ideas will be instantly deleted and ignored.

But I have some really great ideas for the series.

Me too, and for legal reasons and to be sure I’m able to release books without issue I’m not accepting any ideas from readers/etc.

What order should I read the books in?

Get a reading order and guide here.

About Dragon Lords Anniversary Editions

How do I know if I have the new edition?

Easy. The title. New expanded edition: Barbarian Prince / First edition: THE Barbarian Prince

Only the original first four books Dragon Lords 1-4 are in expanded, revised anniversary editions.

Perfect Prince/THE Perfect PrinceDark Prince/THE Dark PrinceWarrior Prince/THE Warrior PrinceThe word “THE” in the title on these four books means it’s the older edition.

How much has changed in the new edition?

This has been completely revised, re-edited, and expanded. Some things were deleted, moved, added. For example, in the case of Barbarian Prince, it went from 19 chapters to 32. Be sure to check each individual book pages FAQ listing for Dragon Lords 1-4 for exact expansion details.

What if I read the old one?

Basic story is the same. Whether you purchase the new edition or not is completely up to you.

Should I buy the new or the old?

New, of course. You should not be able to purchase the old edition ebook online (if you see it, you may be at an illegal pirating site). Old edition print books are often more expensive than the new. Some were on sale for hundreds of dollars. So, buy the new.

Warlocks MacGregor®

Will there be more MacGregor books?

Yes. Many.

Where can I find out more about the series?

Warlocks MacGregor series books.

What order should I read the books in?

Reading Orders and Guides

The use of “Magick” & “Warlocks” 

A Note from the Author

People know magic is fake—card tricks and illusions, magicians and entertainers. But there is an older magick, a powerful force hidden from modern eyes, buried in folklore and myths, remembered by the few who practice the old ways and respect the lessons of past generations.

The term “warlock” is a variation on the Old English word waerloga, primarily used by the Scots. It meant traitor, monster or deceiver. The MacGregor Clan does not agree with how history has labeled their kind. To them, warlock means magick, family and immortality. This book is not meant to be a portrayal of modern-day witches or those who have such beliefs. The MacGregors are a magickal class all their own.

As with all my books, this is pure fantasy. In real life, please always practice safe sex and magic.

Other Books

Will there be more Red Light Specialists? I got book one for free and love it!

While Mandy and I deeply love the RLS world and enjoy working together on joint projects, lackluster sales and high pirating over the course of its 10 years left us no choice but to move on with other projects. We do hope to one day be able to work more within the world. Please do spread the word about RLS to other readers and also please tell them about our other paid projects–if we are earning enough on other avenues it does free up time for us to work on projects close to our hearts.