Michelle M. Pillow, Author Events and Appearances
Michelle M. Pillow, NYT Bestselling Romance Fiction Author
Get ready to meet the queen of romance novels, Michelle M. Pillow! This award-winning author is hitting the road (and the internet) and making appearances across the country, bringing her captivating stories to life for readers everywhere. Scroll down for current events. For Press and Past Appearances, visit that page.
With over 100 titles under her belt and multiple series that have captured the hearts of millions, Michelle M. Pillow has become a household name in the world of romance literature. Her unique blend of humor, passion, and suspense has earned her countless accolades and a loyal fan base that spans generations. Now, fans old and new will have the chance to hear from this talented author firsthand as she makes appearances at bookstores and events around the United States.
Want Michelle to visit your store or event?
We’re always looking to add more in-person and online events to the schedule. Want Michelle at an event or signing? Just want her to drop in to sign book stock for your shelves?
Contact her with the details of your event here.

Amazon KDP University @Home
Amazon Direct Publishing’s KDP University @ Home with Michelle M. Pillow – Webinar discussing book marketing, publishing, branding, and writing in multiple genres.
From KDP University, About the Video: A romantic at heart, Michelle M. Pillow loves stories with a happy ending, imperfect characters, and good mysteries that are challenging to solve. Though she writes in many genres—and has sold a million books across them!—she’s best known for her sci-fi and paranormal romances, mysteries, and paranormal women’s fiction. Join us as Pillow shares how she uses resources like Author Central and A+ content to create a strong book release.
New Events and Appearances – Check back for details
Nerdvana Aug 2024, Oxford MS – Dropped in to Nerd-Vana at the Powerhouse, Oxford, Mississippi, on August 26, 2024. Signed some books, fought some ghosts with a proton pack with the Ghost Busters. You know, normal author life stuff. See my Ghostbuster pictures here.