Contact the Author Michelle M. Pillow
Contact Michelle M. Pillow and her team with questions about her books, to request media appearances and collaborations, or to simply say hello and shower her with fan mail. She loves hearing from you! With Michelle’s busy schedule writing the books you love to read, it is not possible for her to respond personally to each email, but she does read them and loves hearing from readers. Thank you for understanding!
Please be sure to check the FAQ or pages, as most questions are answered there.
If you don’t find your answers here, try asking other Michelle fans on the Fan Group Page. (psst…Michelle often hangs out here!)
Want sales and release news? Join the Mailing List! → HERE
Snail Mail
Mail will be processed and forwarded to the author. Please allow extra time for this. If the material is time sensitive, please email to facilitate timely receipt. If you want a print book signed, you can mail it to the address below. Please enclose a signature request (letting us know who you want the book signed to) and it must have a S.A.S.E. with sufficient return postage. This process can takes several months (faster if you give us an email heads up to look for it). Sorry for any delays and thank you for understanding.
Michelle M. Pillow Reader Club
1723 University Ave Suite B #247
Oxford MS 38655
PLEASE NOTE: Email is recommended. There will be a delay with physical mail.
Emailing the Author
For questions regarding this website or my work, job offers, zombie extra offers, interview requests, promo requests, general worshipping, specific worshipping, minion applications, to share a strange antidote that maybe shouldn’t be shared, professional connections, to inform me that my man-parts can grow bigger with your miracle pill, or to shower me with compliments just to see me blush in embarrassment like that boy in middle school used to do because apparently it’s funny to see me turn bright red (yeah, I remember you, meanie), don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via email. I (or my slightly overworked champ of an assistant) will get back to you as soon as possible.
michellempillow+website @
To tell me my jokes aren’t funny, please flip over your monitor and use the form on the back of this page.

Note from the Author
Yes, I do read fan emails. I love my readers and love hearing from them. I don’t always have time to individually respond to my inbox and rather than have someone waiting and wondering for months while I’m on a deadline, I like to encourage readers to hang out in the Facebook fan club. I go there quite a bit on writing breaks, so I can interact with readers a little more often. That’s usually the best places to catch me online.
Be sure you’re on the mailing list. I send personal notes to fans and also some exclusive gifts and extras.
– Michelle
Book Clubs and Conference SWAG Requests
We love to hear from you! Email the information. Be sure to include your event, the number of items needed, what you’re requesting, the timeframe, etc. Not all requests can be honored. It depends on what the author has in stock at the time, but we do our best to accommodate.
Story and Plot Ideas
Please do not send plot ideas or series ideas. Legal reasons do not permit Michelle to receive these and they will be deleted, unread. Please note the assistants will delete any story/plot ideas that are submitted and they will not be given to the author. Also, no fan-fiction will be accepted or read. Thank you!
Aspiring Author Advice
All advice can be found on the For Writers page and in Articles
“My top three pieces of writing advice? Stop whining and write. Stop fucking around and write. Stop making excuses and write.”