Night Magick

By Michelle M. Pillow

Warlocks MacGregor® Series Book #9

Maura might be new to the supernatural town of Green Vallis, but this isn’t her first dance with the devil.

Half vampire, half human and full bar owner, Curtis Jefferson has spent a lifetime running from his vampiric ancestor. When the old nemesis finally catches up to him, it’s only by a freak accident that he’s not killed. But now the beautiful woman who saved his life has a target on her back.

As the new owner of the local motel, Maura MacGregor doesn’t have to live at the family mansion, affording her the ability to stay out of the limelight. She never thought the famed Warlock MacGregors’ magickal troubles would manifest by way of a tall, dark, and hunky bar owner, but she doesn’t get to make the rules. Fate does.

Magic, Mischief and Kilts!

Warning: Contains yummy, hot, mischievous MacGregors who are almost certainly up to no good on their quest to find true love.  And Uncle Raibeart.

Barnes and Noble Top Indie Favorites (October – December 2021)

Note from the Author: Warlocks MacGregor series is a fan favorite and I’ve been getting emails about the mysterious half vampire, half human bar owner since he arrived in town many books back. I thought it was time he had his story told. And what better way than to have him falling in love with Maura MacGregor, the new owner of the local motel.

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What Readers Are Saying


5 Stars! “5 Stars! Franfriggintastic! … I would give 1,000 stars if I could.”

Caro Paquin

Caro's Reads


5 Stars! “When I say that the book is impossible to put down, I mean it (and rue the time I had to devote to real life and sleep because I only wanted to read and read some more until the end)… I would give more than five stars if I could, because it really is all that!”

Caro Paquin

Caro's Reads


5 Stars! “Kudos to Michelle M Pillow, you have another hit book!!! 10 out of 5 star!!”

Kristin Chontelle

One Woman's Opinion

Book Details

Print Pages Hours to Read Total Words
258 4 – 5 Hours 41K

 Original Copyright Release Date: 2021/10/20

Coming Soon

CW: Michelle M. Pillow’s books contain adult subject matter, graphic violence, and are not suitable for all audiences. 

Book Heal Levels: Spicy Carnal


  • Magic, Witches and Warlocks
  • Highlander
  • Wealthy, Rich Poor, Different Worlds
  • Vampire, Dhampir, Vampire Hunter
  • Time Travel, Curse

About the Warlocks MacGregor® Series

Warlocks MacGregor: Magic, Mischief, and Kilts!

From the Highlands of Scotland to the valleys of Wisconsin...

A modern-day Scottish Paranormal Romance, Award-Winning Series by NYT Bestselling Author Michelle M. Pillow.

About the Series:
People know magic is fake--card tricks and illusions, magicians and entertainers. But there is an older magick, a powerful force hidden from modern eyes, buried in folklore and myths, remembered by the few who practice the old ways and respect the lessons of past generations.

The term "warlock" is a variation on the Old English word waerloga, primarily used by the Scots. It meant traitor, monster or deceiver. This fiction-based family includes males and females of magick. The MacGregors do not agree with how history has labeled them, or other supernaturals. To them, warlock means magick, family, and immortality. This series is not a portrayal of modern-day witchcraft or those who hold such beliefs. The MacGregors are a magickal class all their own.


Warlocks MacGregor® Reading Order

Warlocks MacGregor series information

Recognition and Reviews

5 Stars! “Michelle M. Pillow’s paranormal romance is always sexy & fun!” Tasha black, paranormal/scifi romance author 

5 Stars! “When I say that the book is impossible to put down, I mean it (and rue the time I had to devote to real life and sleep because I only wanted to read and read some more until the end)… I would give more than five stars if I could, because it really is all that!” – Caro Paquin, Caro’s Reads (Oct 2021)

5 Stars! – Jessica Grayson, USA Today bestselling scifi and fantasy romanc author (Bookbub, 2021)

5 Stars! – Ava Ross, sci-fi romance author (Bookbub, 2021)

5 Stars! “Kudos to Michelle M Pillow, you have another hit book!!! 10 out of 5 star!!” Kristin Chontelle, One Woman’s Opinion (2021)

5 Stars! “Wow, I just couldn’t put this one down.” Lucia Valenzuela, Goodreads (2021)

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