by Michelle M. Pillow | Jul 19, 2018 | Articles
Since our hands are our livelihood and we need to take care of them, I thought this would be a great topic. It should be noted that this post is not a replacement for seeing a doctor if you are having serious problems. Tingling and numbness often associated...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Jul 12, 2018 | Articles
Interview with the creators of Vellum: Brad Andalman and Brad West by Michelle M. Pillow Book formatting has improved by leaps and bounds over the last several years for DIY authors. In 2008 I remember staring at html coding to fix book errors, and...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Jul 10, 2018 | News
July 2018’s Romance Writers Report Magazine (RWR) came in the mail this week! Mandy M. Roth and I are in this month’s issue for 100 Published Romances Milestone listing from Romance Writers of America (RWA). Love that I’m in there with my bestie! And...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Jul 8, 2018 | News
Michelle M. Pillow, a romance and cozy mystery author, was recognized by Romance Writers of America (RWA) for hitting the milestone of publishing over 100 romance novels over the course of her nearly 15-year career. NEW YORK, July 6, 2018- Michelle M. Pillow’s...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Jul 7, 2018 | Michelle Pillow Author Life
Why I’m not in charge of reader tech support Michelle M. Pillow When I first started *cough 14 years ago* I thought html meant Hotmail. Ok, so Google says… Shut it off, and turn it back on. That work? Shut it off, and turn it back on. Now? Ok, kick it. How do you put...