For Fans of NYT Bestselling Author Michelle M. Pillow

Love fiction? Get lost in the imaginative worlds of Michelle M. Pillow, author of romance, science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal novels. Join the fun! Become part of an exclusive fan group for readers who love Michelle’s novels.

As a reader, what can you do to help promote the books?

First, you can wrap your arms around yourself and hug yourself from me. I mean it. The fact so many of you email to ask me how you can help spread the word about me or my books is awesome!

Word of Mouth: The best way to help is to spread the word about my books.

    • One of the most important way to help an author is by taking the time to write a quick online review of the books—Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Book Bub, Googleplay, Kobo, Audible, Goodreads… they all offer spots for readers to write reviews. Reviews are like virtual hugs for authors. 😉
    • Talk about the books online.
    • Post about the books.
    • Blog about the books.
    • Share posts from the Author Page or Tweets.
    • Tweet about the books.
    • Share the links to the books.
    • Tell your book club about them.
    • Join Michelle’s Fan Club and share ideas with other readers.
    • Become a Review Team Member (if spots are open)
    • Agree or disagree with reviews already posted on various vendors
    • Request them at local bookstores. My print books can be found through IngramSpark for booksellers (they should know what that is).
    • Request them at libraries. The librarian should be able to look up both ebook and print in their ordering system.
    • If you see someone is reading an author who is similar to me, suggest they try me (politely, of course… but we know this goes without saying).
    • Anything online is the single MOST important thing you can do to help me. Why? Simple, because the majority of my sales have ALWAYS come from ebooks. And with the market shift moving towards ebooks more and more each day this is becoming so for many authors. Not just me.
    • If you would like some promo goodies (bookmarks, etc) to pass around to your friends, local bookstores, reading groups and libraries please email me with subject header PROMO GOODIES. Include your name, snail mail addy, how many and for what reason in the email.I can’t promise when they’ll be mailed out or how many will be sent. It depends on what I have on hand and how often my personal assistant is able to get to mailings.

Gifts from Readers…

Over the years, I’ve had readers make me fan art and presents. Thank you all for thinking of me! It means a lot. As I find photos (and if I know for a fact the sender wouldn’t mind me posting), I’ll feature a few of them here:

Bracelet Fan Club Page

Thank you, Kathleen H!

Jewelry Fan Club Page

Thank you, M!

Prince Quinn by Dolly Martin

Prince Quinn by Dolly Martin

Humane Society Giving

Today was our family holiday tradition of donating to the animal shelter. Presents and food. 🙂 Then as a bonus we get to play with the animals. This white belly cat was a hard sleeper, lol. So cute. <3


Animal Shelter Kittens, Fan Club Page

—-> Please consider doing this locally for your shelter. It doesn’t have to cost much, if anything. Some places can use old blankets, empty water bottles and clean, old socks to make enrichment toys for puppies, help playing with or walking the animals. They might have aluminum can recycling to help raise funds (if you’re drinking soda anyway, might as well take a few minutes to donate the cans). Call your nearest shelter and ask how you can help. <—