Curling Up With A Good Book

Dear Readers, In honor of the Southern Apocalypse (aka small snowstorm) I pulled out the snowman toe socks. I lovingly tease from the warmth of my house… I’m not going outside either lol. I do not miss the Midwestern weather right now. ‘Back home’ we’d have been...

Blast from the Past…

Here’s a little blast from the past– my first ever book cover for my first book. (I freaking LOVE that cover image) Apparently, when I signed this pocket calendar promo for Kristina, I told her to make sure she sold it when I became famous. Now I think she...

Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe The husband made me fried green tomatoes. One of my absolute favorites!! My family has made them my entire life (longer, even) and though they come in many variations. The secret is slicing the tomatoes and soaking them in salted ice water...