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The Fine Print. But if you rather be reading a book, join the newsletter for your free gift. 

What you need to know: By signing up for Michelle’s Mailing List you agree to be sent email mails of contests, news, sales, special features, book information, other information, etc. You agree that you are responsible for checking the price at a vendor before clicking buy and for making sure the book is the correct book. And that Michelle and her team cannot be held liable/responsible for misprints, typos, wrong links, vendors prices not reflecting prices mentioned in mailing , etc, and that should an error occur Michelle and her team quickly try to send out another newsletter notifying subscribers of such. 

*Always check prices at vendors before clicking to buy.Sales and promotions are for a VERY limited time only and are based off when the promotion was sent, not when it was opened. Prices subject to change without warning. To learn more about each title listed above click its vendor link. Blurbs and info can be found there.

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Michelle M. Pillow, NYT Bestselling Author of All Things Romance will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates about author news, new release books, pre-order books, sales, backlist books, product updates, and other marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us.

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