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*BUY ONE GET ONE on Kobo: This is part of the buy one/get one promotion. So free when you buy another book. Check out the other Warlocks MacGregor books, also part of this BOGO sale:
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Ends Oct 29, 2023
I got word that Night Magick was chosen for a special vendor promotion over on Apple Books. So I scrambled to try and get it free everywhere for all my readers. Check prices before you grab it.
This is VERY LIMITED TIME. So please, grab it at ALL vendors you shop at. (it helps my rankings and helps vendors see you like me in promotions)
Night Magick
By Michelle M. Pillow
Warlocks MacGregor Series Book #9
Maura might be new to the supernatural town of Green Vallis, but this isn’t her first dance with the devil.
Half vampire, half human and full bar owner, Curtis Jefferson has spent a lifetime running from his vampiric ancestor. When the old nemesis finally catches up to him, it’s only by a freak accident that he’s not killed. But now the beautiful woman who saved his life has a target on her back.
As the new owner of the local motel, Maura MacGregor doesn’t have to live at the family mansion, affording her the ability to stay out of the limelight. She never thought the famed Warlock MacGregors’ magickal troubles would manifest by way of a tall, dark, and hunky bar owner, but she doesn’t get to make the rules. Fate does.
Magic, Mischief and Kilts!