Are You Ready For RAIBEART!

From the award winning Warlocks MacGregor series comes the newest release from NYT Bestseller Michelle M. Pillow Are You Ready For RAIBEART! That’s right Raibeart MacGregor is back and I’m–erm–I mean he’s looking for a fine woman. He...

Capturing Dragons in Oxford, MS

Photography (c) John Reyer Afamasaga Writing Captured by a Dragon-Shifter books in Oxford. As an author, I believe all books need research of some kind. If I was always writing what I know, then 100 books later you’d still be reading about a girl and her...

How do you like your villains?

Dear Readers,   How do you like your villains? All powerful like Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader. Or do you prefer them to be unpredictably psychotic ala Annie Wilkes from Steven King’s Misery or Hitchcock’s antagonist Norman Bates? As much as we love to hate them,...
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