Dear Readers,
How do you like your villains? All powerful like Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader. Or do you prefer them to be unpredictably psychotic ala Annie Wilkes from Steven King’s Misery or Hitchcock’s antagonist Norman Bates? As much as we love to hate them, villains are an intricate part of a hero’s story.
In Mischievous Prince, Lord Montague is a cunning creature with passive aggressive and manipulative ways. The struggle between Prince Finn (the hero) and Montague (the villain, an elder statesman) goes back to when Finn was just a boy. Their conflict comes to a head when human Sadie Harcourt accidentally accesses the secret portal and ends up in Qurilixen, a planet of Dragonshifters and Catshifters.
In the end, will love win and the truth prevail? Justice may be served, but not without a fight.
Happy Reading!
Michelle M. Pillow