by Michelle M. Pillow | May 13, 2018 | Book Features
How many of you remember the first edition copies? The many faces of Dragon Lords series starting with the 2004 print editions up to the anniversary print editions currently available. *Someone* was organizing her author copies last night and ran across all of these....
by Michelle M. Pillow | Mar 18, 2018 | Michelle Pillow Author Life
From Facebook: Renee George tagged me to reveal 7 Facts About Me as a Writer. 1) I can’t imagine not being an author, but if I wasn’t a writer, I’d be a professional photographer. (but not weddings lol) 2) I can write anywhere, and have–in...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Mar 2, 2018 | Articles
Pillow Fighter Fan Club Members FB has added a feature that they think is helpful. It’s not if you want to get notices from the groups you’re in. Basically, they’re auto putting the lion share of your groups on highlights only. YOU have to change the...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Jan 30, 2018 | Articles
As an author, I like to stop every once and awhile to make sure my readers know how much I appreciate their support. Word of mouth has always been the best way to help a new book or favorite series. Without sales to justify continuing a series or genre, authors often...
by Michelle M. Pillow | Jan 16, 2018 | Michelle Pillow Author Life
Dear Readers, In honor of the Southern Apocalypse (aka small snowstorm) I pulled out the snowman toe socks. I lovingly tease from the warmth of my house… I’m not going outside either lol. I do not miss the Midwestern weather right now. ‘Back home’ we’d have been...