Pillow Fighter Fan Club Members

FB has added a feature that they think is helpful. It’s not if you want to get notices from the groups you’re in.


Basically, they’re auto putting the lion share of your groups on highlights only. YOU have to change the setting to ALL POSTS if you don’t want to miss posts.

Want to know how bad it is? They auto put my reader group on Highlights Only for me. Yes, the group owner got

MichellePillowFan shoved onto Highlights Only. OY. This does explain why it suddenly seemed very quiet in there to me. It’s fixed for me now.

Go to Account Settings – Notifications – On Facebook – Group Activity – and then you need to open each group to see what it has your setting at and then also watch your notices for an announcement they changed your settings to help you decrease your clutter.

Join the Fan Club


This is how to turn them on for the Author Page.