
Dear Readers,

In honor of the Southern Apocalypse (aka small snowstorm) I pulled out the snowman toe socks. I lovingly tease from the warmth of my house… I’m not going outside either lol.

I do not miss the Midwestern weather right now. ‘Back home’ we’d have been ankle deep for months. Here they’re not used to snow so things tend to shut down, and appointments are canceled.

Though there were college kids trying to sled in a box. I haven’t been sledding for years.

Anyone have ‘snow day’ traditions? I know one of mine is curling up with a book. Now I just need to convince the husband that hot cocoa constitutes braving the weather for an emergency trip to the grocery store.

Happy Reading!
Michelle M. Pillow

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Release Date: Feb. 6, 2018


When Demon, a merman tasked with patrolling the ocean for humans in distress, comes across a woman anchored to the bottom of the sea, he’s sure his dreams have come true. After all, she’s stunning, single, and makes his body burn with need. She’s also impetuous, being hunted by his enemies, and seriously conflicted on whether or not he’s a good guy. It’s his duty to not only protect her, but to win her heart—because this lonely merman is sure she’s the one for him. Now he just has to convince her of as much.