Yes, I write my own books.

The following post was written by Mandy M. Roth and is shared here with her permission as it contains information about a series we co-authored. We both started at the same time 17 years ago, at the same publisher, and have been friends ever since. The answers given...

How to make #kindlequotes

Since this has come up a few times in my FB group… To make #kindlequotes that you can share on social media. This example is from my book Second Chance Magic using an iPhone Kindle App. (I’m told that this does not work on the Android Kindle App at this...
Plagiarism and Hard-Working Authors

Plagiarism and Hard-Working Authors

A message about CopyPasteCris, Cristiane Serruya’s Plagiarism and the effect on the true authors of the books. Earlier this week I woke up to messages about several books being plagiarized from myself and other authors. Since that day, the list has grown to an...
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